THE MANDALORIAN x STAR WARS BLACK SERIES [Part 1]: This Is More Than I Signed Up For…

There's no doubt that The Mandalorian is the hottest thing in Star Wars right now, and that's not even counting the astronomical popularity of The Baby Yoda Child. As Funko Pops representing Disney+'s hottest show have flooded marketplaces everywhere, I'm here to analyze the top 15 Mando characters voted next up for the Black Series …

MORTAL KOMBAT 11 – AFTERMATH [Gameplay Trailer]: The Saga Kontinues…

***UPDATE*** 6/13/20 Fujin is the God of Wind and serves the Elder Gods alongside his brother, Raiden, as a Protector of Earthrealm. First playable in Mortal Kombat 4, he’s adept at inspiring goodness and heroism to conquer the forces of hatred and tyranny and fights to ensure Earthrealm’s bright future. The immortal Fujin uses his …

G.I. JOE – CLASSIFIED [News/Wishlist]: And Knowing Is Half The Battle…

Now that Hasbro declared that yesterday -- unofficially, mind you -- was a "G.I. Joe Day" of some sorts due to their #FanFirstFriday official release of the first Wave of G.I. Joe: Classified 6" action figures and their 24-hour stream of classic A Real American Hero episodes on their YouTube channel (which I'm still watching, …