You’ve read the reviews. You’ve heard the horrible Eastern European accents. You watched Joss Whedon walk away unscathed. And, most of you loved it anyway…

Thankfully, for you, we are GodHatesGeeks— and it wouldn’t be GHG unless there was some hate going on. Just WHO would hate the sequel to arguably the greatest superhero movie ever?
One of these clown clergygeeks, of course…

Do remember, THERE ARE ***SPOILERS*** in our unadultered, unprepared post-brews-and-food late-night review of Avengers: Age of Ultron. There was honestly no other way to podcast about Avengers 2 without ’em.
So do yourself and go see the movie (you cheapskate!) and then listen to our half-hour of zany analysis. You can either download/stream right here via Mediafire, or merely click on the Soundcloud player image just below…
Feel the need to let us know that you: Love us? HATE us? Hate Papa Justified? Want to his best friend?
Then leave us tweets and tweements @GodHatesGeeks. And stay tuned, because this ain’t all: We’ll be exploring more of the Age of Ultron with our pals Alex & Joe on the next Wild Brunch podcast.
Thanks for listening.