Continuing the “Windy City” trend of GHG topics this week — WWE Payback, Retro Jordan kicks, Kanye Kardashian, Watch_Dogs (reviewing coming this week), Blackhawks, et al — is the much-anticipated, brand new creator-owned comic from the scribe of Nightwing. And since the last arc in Dick Grayson’s solo offering took the one time Robin (and Batman) over to the Chi, why not continue that trend with this week’s Fistful of Comics!?
And.. here.. we.. go..
C.O.W.L. #1
The Chicago Organized Workers League — essentially the world’s first Super-Hero Labor Union! Originally set up as a ray of justice and hope in the face of a organized and unbeatable super-villains society, it now stands as a played-out organization in which the public has become disillusioned with.

The issue starts high energy and briefly introduces the team while targeting the last of the infamous villains. The story is high on intrigue, yet only gives us a quick set-up — for a new series — that leaves the reader wondering, “with all the bad guys locked away in thirst issue, what will become of C.O.W.L?”
Kyle Higgins (Batman Beyond 2.0) and Alec Siegel (Avengers Origins: Vision) do present this interesting tale with an instant swerve: their heroes complete their last mission within the first few pages. So far, I’m feeling inspiration from the old 50s noir magazines meet the Watchmen. And with this sort of surmise, your Dutchess can’t help but feel like there are many ways this new series could develop.
This first issue is a shallow introduction into to the C.O.W.L. universe and let’s hope as it carries on it will focus more on character building. There is a lot of potential at the heart of this story.
While the story isn’t totally satisfying, the art is a dish full of flavor. Rod Reis (Aquaman) does a fantastic job of slowing the reader down to enjoy each panel for a moment more. The colors are raw and gritty which isn’t the look you’d find in a superhero type story but a welcome change, nonetheless.
You can bet the highly original C.O.W.L. will remain on my sub-list for a few more issues assuming the plot doesn’t flatline.

(Flip the page for more reviews!)