DC CONVERGENCE #1’s [Sunday Stash, Round III]: The Joke’s on you, Geeeeeeeeeeeek$!

It's another week for Convergence! After previous highlights that included comebacks from The Question and Wally West Flash, and a hook-handed Aquaman, will there be any more surprises in Week 3 of DC's monthly event? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCKuJN2gyd4 Do no more now than peep the Stash. And we've got all the OG members of GHG on this …

GHG Presents… THE WILD BRUNCH [Podcast, S01E02]: Chekhov’s Sledgehammer.

Listen up, Internet — it's Episode 2 of THE WILD BRUNCH. Say what? You missed our hit debut, when the likes of frosted flake-crusted-french-toast met the one Chappie? My western omelette could only take so much... But here's your second chance. It's two dudes -- two really neat dudes -- talking about movies. You'd be …


So, you waited all week to get your fix of Fistful of Comics. But, what if we told you we're going full Charlie Angels on dat azz, with a Fantastic Foursome like you've never seen? This week's edition of the FOC sees our "Naughty Nuns" either embrace some of the magical art-and-script with a set …

13 Days of DAREDEVIL [Season 1 Finale Review]: The Devil Inside.

******************FINAL UPDATE!!!********************* Episode 13: "Daredevil" - 4/22 My initial reservations aside, this episode was a great way to not only end the origin of Daredevil, but also set up an interesting dynamic for Season 2. I expect to see not only Steel Serpent (who will no doubt cross over into Iron Fist), but also some …