Greeting GHGer’s. It’s your favorite Priestess' favorite time of year… Fall? NO-- AMC's Comic Book Men are back! With a vengeance... If you missed any of the first few episodes, I've got you all covered. THEN, you can see it on demand via your local cable provider or right here on the AMC website. …

RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Hell In A Cell / WWE 2K15 Preview]: Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

June 30th. June 30th was the last time the Ringside Apostles blessed you with a show. We began development for GHGtv around that time, hired some new members, lost a couple in the process, then... GOT THE BAND BACK TOGETHER for one HELL of a special night, baby! Hell in a Cell gave us a …

NIGHTCRAWLER [Review]: Don’t let this one BAMF! away.

The present day/night Los Angeles depicted in Dan Gilroy’s Nightcrawler (2014), directly mirrors the sinister, melting plastic pot it can often seem to be: A shallow reflecting pool brimming with all flavors of ultra-violence; pressed against our faces; forcing our nostrils to run red until we taste the copper in the back of our throats. Shot …

DEATHSTROKE vs. (AXIS) HOBGOBLIN / ARKHAM MANOR [Face-Off Review]: Orange is the New…

In this week's Fistful of Comics, it's a Halloween Fight to the Finish!!! Slade? SLADE?! SLAAAAAAAAAAAADE!?!? The original sword-swinging, gun-slinging, ninja master of disaster, Slade Wilson (not WADE WILSON; Sorry Marvel fanboys) a.k.a. Deathstroke is back in his own ongoing series -- and Good Gawd Almighty, is he EVER back. Deathstroke #1, both written and …

REVENGE of the GREEN DRAGONS [Review/Q&A]: Sleeping Dogs.

Tuesday, October 21 saw Astoria, Queens' famous Museum of the Moving Image host Revenge of the Green Dragons. Directed by newcomer New York native Andrew Loo, and legendary Hong Kong director Andrew Lau, whose Infernal Affairs was remade as The Departed (Martin Scorsese acts as executive producer on this film), this is a clumsily paced, …

NBA 2K15 [Review Podcast]: (I Know I Got) Skillz.

Since I reviewed the typically outstanding NBA 2K series the past couple years, your trusted Monsignor decided to do something different: Yap. So, yup, after being knocked over senseless by the awesomeness of NBA 2K13 -- and last year's next-gen Lebron-dominating NBA 2K14 -- I decided this season to talk up the MyPlayer, MyLeague, MyPark, …