#BATGIRL has arrived in #2014. Complete with #HASHTAGS, a dating #APP, and even a non-licensed version of Snapchat called #SNAPGAB. A quick cross over the tracks to #BURNSIDE, and Babs is the #COOLEST crime-fighter in #DCCOMICS. Getting tired of that? Yeah me too. It’s the oldest pitfall in the book. When big corporations try to …

AMERICAN HORROR STORY – FREAK SHOW [Season Premiere Review]: Family Circus.

It’s October, so that means 4 things in particular: The Walking Dead, scary movies, Halloween, and American Horror Story. Boo. Allow me to begin by stating that I've watched every season of AHS thus far, having both loved (S1: Murder House) and not-quite-hated (S2: Asylum) them to various degrees. I’ve been saying for a couple …

MIDDLE-EARTH – SHADOWS of MORDOR / SUPER SMASH BROS. [Reviews]: Oh-So Preciousssss!!!

If you have ever played a Lord of the Rings game, then you know that they have generally sucked. All of them! For some reason, every time a game has come out based on this series it has just not been up to par, lacking the substance of what the fans have always wanted. Well, …

STAR WARS REBELS [Pilot Movie Review]: Brrrwwwhhhaaarrrggghhh!!!

Have I ever been THIS excited about a damn animated series in my life? No. If you followed my coverage on Star Wars Rebels from WonderCon 2014 and SDCC '14 and all the way dating back to last year's New York Comic-Con, you'll be happy to know that none of the hype disappoints. Hell, even the most casual …

THOR / GOTHAM ACADEMY / GUARDIANS 3000 [Reviews]: She’s All That.

Now that it's the end of...Futures End, we're back to normal. And if you mean by normal that we're reviewing battles between historical egos, a comic Goddess of Thunder, Guardians of.. 3000 galaxies, and a haunted school full of bratty children who want to be like Batman... then, yeah, things are bound to NEVER get …