TRANSFORMERS – AGE OF EXTINCTION [Review]: Oops!…Bay Did It Again.

Michael Bay, director of Transformers: Age of Extinction, played with The Goddamn Wu’s mind. Again. Like Britney, I got lost in the game, hit from all of Bay's stunning cinematography, classic high-budget action, and explosions (with the use of a new IMAX 3D Camera), and it's certainly not a shock that this Baybuster is the …

METAL GEAR SOLID V – THE PHANTOM PAIN [Epic E3 Trailer]: “Kept you waiting, huh?”

So, let me get this straight: Konami doesn't let the Moodster into their private room demo at last week's E3, selling GHG's now widely-adorned Bible Scale short a few smoking roses, and we thank them with... a BLOODY DAMN POST OF THEIR OWN? After sittin' back in that sticky, yet comfy, leather sofa, lightin' up …

THE WICKED + THE DIVINE / BATMAN & RA’AS al GHUL [Reviews]: Gods Among Us.

Introducing our new format for Fistful of Comics. No longer will you miss comics due to our clunky page system (yes, I'm talking to you, you skeezy little blog-skimmers!), and our reviews will now be separated into sections with the wonderful people who accompany them. If scrolling is too painful, then here are some jump …

Mortal E3 ’14 Kombat Wrap-Up X [Podcast, Pt. I]: GET OVER HERRRRRRRRRE!!!

In case you missed it during the Monsignor's 25-Game Rundown -- The Bible Scale --  here's Part I of our 2014 Mortal E3 Kombat Wrap-Up X Show! Joining the likes of your always Moody Host from the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles were Kenny "Saint Superkick" Sanders, Revolution Gaming's Joe Kruty, and "Papa Justified" …