Fantasy Football [Recap/NFL Week 3 Preview]: Not much of a Battle…in Seattle!

We'd like to welcome you all back for yet another edition of First Church of Fantasy, where the Mad Monk and yours truly talk pigskin shenanigans, surprises, and upsets. The most upsetting moment of the week had to be the Sunday Night heartbreaker that was supposed to feature the very best of the NFC West, …

Fantasy Football [Recap/NFL Week 2 Preview]: 7 after 7 after 7…

...but no Lucky Number Slevin for me in Last Vega$ this past weekend. Unless, of course, you want to talk about my second favorite player in the league (after Tom Terrific) in the Eagles #7 having a nice return to glory. What happened to dem boys on the field Thursday, Sunday and Monday? Let's get …

Fantasy Football [Recap/NFL Week 1 Preview]: Auto-Drafting Our Str8 Way II Hell!!

"Monsignor" Travis Moody: Ever play a Fantasy Football league with 3 wide receivers? Of course you haven't. Welcome to the Wacky World of GodHatesGeeks, where nothing -- not even the virtuous land of fantasy sports -- is ever the same. Rough draft for everyone who actually drafted across the board, huh? Billy "The Mad Monk" …

The Ultimate KICK-ASS SummerSlam [Podcast]: Take that, Mother#$%^&*!!!

Wow. With a weekend fully loaded with the self-proclaimed "hottest event of the summer" and the much-anticipated sequel to Matthew Vaughn's near-classic crime-crushing clown caper, GHG just had to throw it all at ya in one. And that's OK. Join the "Reverend" Joe Rivera, "Sister" Sherice, "Monsignor" Travis Moody and, our latest contributing clergymember to …

D23 Expo [Podcast]: Where’s the Magic?!?

Ahhh... the magic of Disney. Marvel. Star Wars. A Marvel Star Wars (GOTG!). Pixar. Tom Hanks. Angelina Jolie. Disney has everything. But, for a conference that took 2-years to plan, was there enough? With new movie announcements and updates seemingly happening daily, you'd imagine so. Thankfully, GHG had its resident Disney expert "Father" Tyler McPhail (joined …

SDCC [Chapter III, Verse III]: Raiding Comic-Con like it’s Ten Ninety-Nine!

Wake early if you want another man's life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf; no battle's won in bed. - The Havamal Vikings are awesome. If you don't believe me, then you obviously misunderstood my poetic intro and haven't been lucky enough to catch the HISTORY Channel's breakout TV series. What was initially supposed to be a mere mini …