Pimpin’ From The Pulpit with The Preacher Man-Early Morning July 4th Mass [Bat In The Saddle Again]: Review-Batman Black & White #1-6

What-up, my GHG-nation under a groove, gettin’ down just for the FUNK of it!!! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! Thought I’d give an overall comic mini-series review to a tasty comic title that I had recently completed reading. None other than Batman: Black & White, the 6 issue short story anthology mini-series filled to the brim with …

METAL GEAR SOLID V – THE PHANTOM PAIN [Epic E3 Trailer]: “Kept you waiting, huh?”

So, let me get this straight: Konami doesn't let the Moodster into their private room demo at last week's E3, selling GHG's now widely-adorned Bible Scale short a few smoking roses, and we thank them with... a BLOODY DAMN POST OF THEIR OWN? After sittin' back in that sticky, yet comfy, leather sofa, lightin' up …

Mortal E3 ’14 Kombat Wrap-Up X [Podcast, Pt. I]: GET OVER HERRRRRRRRRE!!!

In case you missed it during the Monsignor's 25-Game Rundown -- The Bible Scale --  here's Part I of our 2014 Mortal E3 Kombat Wrap-Up X Show! Joining the likes of your always Moody Host from the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles were Kenny "Saint Superkick" Sanders, Revolution Gaming's Joe Kruty, and "Papa Justified" …