STAR WARS REBELS [WonderCon ’14]: Intergalactic Plan-etary.

If you don't know anything about the forthcoming animated series from LucasFilm/Disney, Star Wars Rebels, then you likely have never watched The Clone Wars. That sucks. The great news then, my faithful Jedi ensemble, is that your trusty Monsignor has been following the incredible creative team of SWR with a keen eye. In fact, before …

SALEM / LEGENDS [WonderCon ’14]: Losing My Religion… Or Just My Mind!

Hey to all ye Fanboys and Fangirls out there! This past weekend was another year of WonderCon in "mostly sunny" Anaheim, California. Yeah, we all know it’s secondary to its sister, SDCC, but surely still worth the trip until July rolls around. My first panel of #WC2014 -- just as soon as I got my badge …

DC All Access / Green Lantern [WonderCon ’14]: Exit, Stage Left.

DC ALL ACCESS w/ "Deacon" Dana Keels At WonderCon 2014, in the bowels of room 300ab, DC Entertainment held their annual All Access panel. Moderating duties were handled by John Cunningham, DC's VP of Marketing. More importantly, the panel guests included, seated from left to right, Jim Lee (who needs no introduction), Jim Chadwick (Editor, …

Pimpin’ From The Pulpit w/ The Preacher Man! [Evening Mass]: Firing Fierce & Funky For The Flock.

Greetings and salutations to all the congregation in the cyber-chapel. Time for some news bits from around the internet for your perusal. Open up those bibles you call your minds and read-up on today’s sermon! *Current box-office estimates show that Marvel Studios’ Captain America: The Winter Soldier has now made $502.2 MILLION WORLDWIDE ($167 million …

AGENTS of S.H.I.E.L.D [PaleyFest ’14]: Down the Stretch, Ridin’ Dirty.

Hey, The Divine One here. With a big TV festival like PaleyFest going on, you can bet I have another serving of full-on geek goodness for you all. We're at the Dolby Theatre, so let's crank it up! With an early screening of the next episode (April 1), you can bet Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. …