STAR TREK – YEAR FIVE [Comic Review]: Boldly Going On.

Happy holiday weekend, geeks and geekettes! While we're packing in the barbecue and beer, and taking in the great things about our country, we've got another look at an upcoming title here, folks! And this time, it's the continuing adventures of the starship Enterprise! As a lifelong fan of Star Trek, I’ve sat through thousands …


Marvel Entertainment returns to San Diego to join in on the celebration for Comic-Con International’s 50th anniversary, with all-star panels from Marvel Comics, Marvel Television, Marvel Games, Marvel Animation, and Marvel New Media. This year will also mark a first-ever Hall H presentation for Marvel Television’s flagship series, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that will be …

SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL / REPTILIAN RAGE [Marvel Comic Reviews]: This Little Piggy/Lizzy…

This was a surprisingly fun and hilarious read, as the latest Spider-Man Annual stars the one and only “Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham.” First, a quick rant about what makes a great writer and great story to me: when a writer can take a character I never cared for and pens a story that fits …

WAR OF THE REALMS #6 [Review]: Kirby’s Dreamland.

Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, and Matthew Wilson had their work cut out for them delivering a mini-series that’s the culmination of seven years’ worth of ever-escalating narrative across several titles and more #1s than mere mortals can reasonably comprehend. And they’ve performed admirably. The creators show up with a story that feels as huge as …

SUPERMAN – YEAR ONE / USAGI YOJIMBO [Comic Reviews]: Up, Up and Away.

Doomed planet. Desperate scientists. Last hope. Kindly couple. Superman. Sailor? SPOILER: Clark Kent enlists in the Navy. Frank Miller’s and John Romita Jr.’s Superman: Year One is yet another reimagining of the Man of Tomorrow’s origins and the first of a three-issue series that, so far, treads on all too familiar ground without adding much …