Blast(s) From The Past! [Sunday Stash Reviews]: Captain Victory, Jennifer Blood, Howtoons, & Usagi Yojimbo ARE BACK?

The Congregation of Cool has convened, nerdonites! Whether Sunday is the end of your week, or just the beginning, and no matter where you choose to spend it, for us here in the rectory at GodHatesGeeks, it means Sunday Stash! And today is a biggie, so let's dip our hand down in the comics cache! We've …

THE WAKE / SUPREME: BLUE ROSE / LOW / BODIES [Reviews]: When the Levee Breaks…

Yo! We still bangin' out tons of reviews despite the fact our Super Bowl, San Diego Comic-Con, has come and pass. While we still have a few more Bible Scales, celebrity interviews -- and one hell of an episode of #GHGtv -- to throw at ya, everyday content is still passing through our daunted cool-church …

SDCC ’14 [The Bible Scale, Pt. I]: DC vs. Marvel COMICS – The ‘Saga’ Continues!

If you followed our coverage of E3 this year (and I know you did), The Bible Scale should sound familiar to you. This particular editorial feature was a huge success a little more than a month ago -- the week presented our best traffic ever -- so we thought, "Oh, what the hell-- let's do …


The Congregation of Cool is called to order!  And today The Parish brings forth yet another installment of FISTFUL OF COMICS! Wednesdays are a Holy Day, True Believers -- New Comics Day -- and we're up here in the pulpit and ready to preach! This particular FOC is even mores special, because this FOC is set against the …

THE X-FILES / BORDERLANDS / THE SQUIDDER [Reviews]: The Truth is Out There!

With San Diego Comic-Con International just a few days away, the Sunday Stash sees your faithful Clergy of Cool TEAM-UP with the Almighty Comics Bulletin. And why? Because, in the coming week, we're bound to do this a lot. We're going to cover SDCC an entirely new way this year, and collaborating with CB for …