FLASH GORDON / NIGHTCRAWLER / ALL-NEW DOOP [Reviews]: Who You Gonna Call!??!

The Sunday Stash is back on a Monday, and -- this time -- I, Lance Paul the Apostle take the full blame! You see, there was this little thing called the Long Beach Grand Prix, the thirst for all things loud and fast. The event "dooped" your favorite traveling nerd into partaking this so-called celebrity race, …


Apologies to the congregation! In addition to a fried laptop, convention planning -- with WonderCon on the horizon! -- and some spring cleaning over at the Moody Manse, we've been on a little hiatus. But fear not, for our own Cooke the Cleric is back with another attack of the Number 1's...and it doesn't appear …

AQUAMAN & THE OTHERS #1 / ACTION/DETECTIVE COMICS #30 [Reviews]: Legacy of Justice.

It's that time again, fellow congregation. You guessed it: The Fistful of Comics! This round is courtesy of GHG's Master-of-all-things-DC -- Minister Gabe! Which means, we've got a bunch of DC stuff, an Image comic, and ... a Spider-Man comic?? How does everyone's friendly neighborhood property of Mickey Mouse hold up? Read on. Jump to: …

ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER / SILVER SURFER #1 [Reviews]: Sunday Surf ‘n Turf.

Your favorite Traveling Nerd has found himself in Hotlanta, doing some post-production on a film, and a great little comic shop by the name of Oxford Comics off of Piedmont Street. What a gem of a comic shop too! Encompassing everything from new comics, graphic novels to older and harder to find issues, this is …

REAL HEROES / UNCANNY AVENGERS / IRON PATRIOT [Reviews]: Not Such a ‘Party in the USA’

Back again and I’m coming at you like Kenshiro wandering the wastelands in Fist of the Northstar. It’s your weekly 1,2,3,4,5-punch of uncanny, star slammin’, reality-bending rowdy comic reviews. They don’t call me Mister Boombastic, simply fantastic Guy Padre for nothing. But enough of my poor man’s 21st Century Stan The Man impersonation. To the …