ONE-HIT WONDER / TOMB RAIDER / REVENGE [Reviews]: “Oscar” the Grouch.

This week's Sunday Stash lands on a Monday! But that's cool -- y'all were too busy watching the Oscars or following them on Facebook, anyway now, weren't you? With that, let's welcome someone new into the comic critiquing clergy: the "Bishop" Richard Zom! Known for his righteous video game analysis, Ringside Apostle hosting goodness, and straight filthy Bane …


It's that time again, faithful congregants, where GHG explores a weekly quintent of deliciously -- or disgustingly -- random funnybooks. It's the Fistful of Comics! And, somehow, it's Moody's turn. Let's just get to it. -King Conan: The Conquerer #1 -Superman: Lois Lane #1 -Wolverine & The X-Men #42 -Batman/Superman #8 FANTASTIC FOUR #1 Having …

NEW WARRIORS / TERMINATOR / RAGNAROK ‘N ROLL #1 [Reviews]: The Good, The Bad, & The Loki.

It’s that time once again for your faithful Padre to dispense with the pleasantries, punch through the bullshit, and deliver unto you my brothers and sisters, a loaded stick of comic review dynamite known as A Fistful of Comics! In this week's edition we are looking at a bunch of books that were pretty much all …


War has come to the shelves of your local comic store...on all fronts. Be it a webbed war against the green skinned goblin, one royal standing up for his beliefs during a time of national war, or a shadowy pursuit during the Cold War, this week's titles all had a similar need: one man against …

SHE-HULK / X-FORCE / THE F– USE #1 [Reviews]: All You Need is Love/Violence!

If a website named GodHatesGeeks is offering their best Valentine's Day wishes, then you got to know there's something screwey going on. And that's exactly the type of twisted fairytales we received in this week's edition of Fistful of Comics. If you like your romance all Harley Quinned-the-$%*& up, then you'll likely have no problem …

LOKI / WOLVERINE / PUNISHER #1 [Reviews]: Public Enemies #1

Continuing the All-New NOW! agenda from Marvel this week is an assortment of #1's. Your friendly Apostle picked three out of the "jumping-on point" hat, comics that were ironically all good guys-turned-bad-turned-good-turned-who-cares-read-em-because! Since they all vary in quality, let's see which comic is worth the pull, shall we? LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD #1 The Lord …