DEADPOOL [Review]: Look Mom! We got a Bleeder!

Deadpool is one of the funniest action platforms in recent memory. Sure, the game is far more hilarious if you're familiar with Marvel's Merc With the Mouth, but those unfamiliar with the mentally mega-fudged-up antihero can also enjoy his zany mannerisms, pranks and stupidity just the same. If you don't allow the hellacious array of dick and fart …

AGE OF ULTRON #10 [Review]: Not even “Scary Trousers” can save this Virtual Boy…

Age of Ultron has been one roller coaster of a comic...and it'd still be rolling down the street if this "event" were on DVD. For the past couple issues, Marvel's version of the "Big Bad Wolf" (see: Busch Gardens) has been stopped or rerouted more times than anyone would like to mention. Hank Pym's pride-and-joy …