STAR WARS: “A New Hope” for fans of the axed Clone Wars.

With J.J. Abrams taking over yet another immense Sci-Fi franchise, Dark Horse's new Star Wars ongoing comic couldn't have come at a better time. And who would have thought my friend full of hoops, raps and circumstance would introduce me to the best cartoon since Batman: The Animated Series, too? Yes, I'm talking about Star …

Tomb Raider: Goodbye, Angelina; there’s a new Indiana Jane.. Payne.

The latest re-imagining of the beloved Tomb Raider fulfills all the promises of a sweepingly epic franchise. If you've played/defeated Far Cry 3, Uncharted 2, Darksiders II, and/or Assassin's Creed III, this "reboot" may touch a little bit close to home. But, hey, hunting nature's wildlife, searching for relics, solving certain puzzles, and taking on endless armored combatants are the …

DmC: Devil May Cry. But, hopefully, he won’t.

...'cause he's sure as shit thirsty for chainsaw-smokin' skeletons and migrated chemical goliaths. To think, Capcom might also shed a tear or two come next Christmas, when they realize one of the year's best titles might get lost among the typically huge blockbuster game shuffle come awards time. Don't scythe this messenger. Devil May Cry was, …