Batman: Earth One – This Alfred will $%*^ you out dead with zero warning!

It's no surprise the name "Michael Caine" is likely to be one of the very first mentioned following any initial take of The Dark Knight Rises. So leave it up to arguably the finest writer at DC Comics in the past decade.. to fuck that all up. In a good way. Geoff Johns' "Earth One" version of Alfred …

The Amazing Spider-Man: Biology vs. Chemistry… We’ll take the latter!

Emma Fyffe: First off, we want to thank Geoff Boucher and the LA Times Hero Complex for giving us a chance to see an exclusive screening of Amazing Spider-Man and cover another great Q&A! Travis Moody: Absolutely! And don’t forget the free “medium” popcorn (largest medium popcorn ever) and soda. Fyffe: Bad-ass! Okay, so last …

Prometheus: Engineers disappoint God, Scientists disappoint.. Everyone else!

Exclusive review! Exclusive review! Oh, who are we kidding… We're as late to the party as parents shacked up in the Bahamas during prom season. But that's OK: Prometheus, Ridley Scott's third entry into the world of sci-fi (a perhaps not-so-quite ironic 30-years later), gives us all something to geek about. A lot to debate. There are …

Brave: A ‘Game of Thrones’ for the.. Kiddies? (Grizzly!)

Allow me to get this out of the way right off the bat: 3D glasses suck. Maybe it’s because this writer already wear glasses, which makes sporting two pairs extremely uncomfortable, or because most of the time those plastic rims are typically as dirty and crooked as your favorite politician. Thankfully, Brave, Disney’s latest animated …