ASSASSIN’S CREED ORIGINS (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft – PS4, Xbox One, PC – March 31, 2018) – Since 2007 we have been immersed in the world of the Creed, an assassin’s world of righting wrongs and a Broken [gaming] Universe of corrupt law & order. For Origins, no multiplayer has been announced so far, although–being an AC game–that’s certainly not off the table. In-game purchases are also back. But since Black Flag was the last widely revered AC release, gamers’ll be happy to see the return of boats and water–even if strictly for travel, not naval combat. The signature towers are gone, too. Facing all of these eliminations, Ubi did supplement our loss with a more in-depth gaming world and–better yet–brand new spy/stealth mechanics. Thus, expect more challenging missions of hide-and-seek.
Ancient Egypt is the new, predicted-by-GHG home in Origins (I see you, “Templar” Mark); since the Middle East with Altair, we have now come full circle. Let’s hope the new character lead, Ba Yek, can swim. It also looks like we shall see a new feather sidekick who picks up the reigns as our ancient drone supplying/mapping/tracking/eagle vision assistance. Of course, expect E3 2017 to assassinate any false rumors and shed further light on what thrills we have in store for the return of Assassin’s Creed.
The E3 2017 Ubisoft conference will be held in the Orpheum Theatre on June 12 at 1pm PT. Watch all the inevitable Matt & Trey jokes on Twich.
Check out our other E3 2017 previews:
–Star Wars Battlefront II – 6/3
–Madden NFL 2018 – 6/1
–Extinction – 6/1
–Death Stranding – 5/31
–Red Dead Redemption 2 – 5/31
–God of War – 5/31
–Splatoon 2 – 5/30
–Battlefield: In the Name of the Tsar – 5/30
–Middle-Earth: Shadow of War – 5/30
–Spider-Man – 5/29
–Crackdown 3 – 5/29