FAR CRY 5 (Ubisoft Montreal – Xbox One, PS4, PC – February 27, 2018) – Yes. It’s the return of one the few.. well, only IP that good ol’ Ubi doesn’t seem to launch to disappoint. My favorite shooting franchise, at least gameplay-wise: Lejos Llora. For my “No habla español” friends: Far Cry. People are always arguing over the usual Battlefield vs CoD B.S.. Then again, people are also very stupid. No other shooters give you the freedom and killing options that Far Cry gives you: stealth, 80’s movies overkill (complete with stabbing a guy, then using his own knife to throw it at his buddy), whatever you want. Not to mention the impressive skill trees, weapons variety, and ability to use animals as assistants.
As much as I’ve missed the gameplay, the thing I’m most looking forward to is a villain that matches or surpasses (good luck) FC3‘s Vaas Montenegro. I don’t care how much you enjoy Troy Baker, Pagan Min was a bit of a snooze. But with Hope County, Montana as the new open world location this year, there should be a boatload of traditional rightwing Wyatt-Familyesque, backwoods rednecks to enjoy and destroy, especially with the ability, this time, as your own race/gender/looks-inspired created character. Everything you loved abou the inaugural season of True Detective — death cultists (confirmed as Project At Eden’s Gate), mountain cliff hangings, ginormous tire rigs and deer masks — should all be here. After the storyline trailer they released, I can’t wait to see what the good reverend CM Punk and his cult of personality will bring to Far Cry 5.
The E3 2017 Ubisoft conference will be held in the Orpheum Theatre on June 12 at 1pm PT. Watch all the inevitable Matt & Trey jokes on Twitch.
Check out our other E3 2017 previews:
–Detroit: Become Human – 6/6
–WWE 2K18 – 6/6
–FIFA 18 – 6/6
–Need For Speed: Payback / F1 2017 – 6/5
–Sea of Thieves – 6/5
–The Last of Us, Part II – 6/5
–Assassin’s Creed Origins – 6/4
–Star Wars Battlefront II – 6/3
–Madden NFL 2018 – 6/1
–Extinction – 6/1
–Death Stranding – 5/31 [6/7 Update: Confirmed NOT to appear]
–Red Dead Redemption 2 – 5/31
–God of War – 5/31
–Splatoon 2 – 5/30
–Battlefield: In the Name of the Tsar – 5/30
–Middle-Earth: Shadow of War – 5/30
–Spider-Man – 5/29
–Crackdown 3 – 5/29