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METROID PRIME 4 (Nintendo – Switch – TBA) – So, Metroid Prime 4 was revealed to be in development during last years E3 expo. And, not surprisingly, we haven’t heard a thing about it since. Although Nintendo hasn’t officially confirmed Prime 4 to be at this year’s E3, I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet Samus rears her visor.
The facts are scarce, but what we do know is that Retro Studios, the dev behind every other Metroid Prime game, will not be crafting up Prime 4. Instead Nintendo producer Kensuke Tanabe will lead the development, going so far to claim that “[Prime 4] returns the 1st-person adventure roots of the original Metroid Prime and introduces a new storyline that ties together the events of the MP universe and takes the storyline in new directions.”
While Retro’s absence is sad, last year’s Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS was a great success; so it’s safe to say there are other devs just as capable at making a good Metroid game. Still– it would’ve been nice to have the old team together, knowing how much quality was put forth into Samus’ Prime past.
With Nintendo having already released their Zelda and Mario games, now seems the perfect time for Metroid to kick the door down. Here’s to hoping it shows up with more than a title card.
-Dana Keels