THE LAST OF US PART II (Naughty Dog/Sony Interactive – PS4 – TBA) Anyone else stoked for this game? When The Last of Us released for the PlayStation 3 in 2013, the world was introduced to an amazing triumph — the gameplay, graphics, and story came together to create an almost perfect game. In TLOU2, it remains to be seen if it escapes the dreaded sequel curse (and we hope you like Starbucks; the sequel will take place in Seattle).
Based on the 2016 reveal teaser, the focus will once again be on Joel (Troy Baker) and Ellie (Ashley Johnson), and thank goodness, since it hopefully means we’ll get to find out what happened after they made their escape in the first game. But, do expect the now 19-year old Ellie, who is said to play differently in the game than her father and much more powerful than her adolescent self in the previous game, to take the series’ lead.
Since Naughty Dog devs have confirmed The Last of Us II’s presence at E3 — and one of Sony’s four primary titles the publisher will “deep dive” into at their press conference — we can only hope that Sony’ll announce its release date so we know when to start saving money. Barring a terrible plot or a sudden disintegration of gameplay or visuals, it’s bound to be an excellent game — angry, vengeful, or even dead protagonists, or not.
-Sarah Obloy