I’m here in New York City for the first time in my life. I’m exhausted and hungry and finally drying off from the downpour I received walking around and seeking out the most touristy spots. I’ve been walking since noon and though I’m extinguished, the only thing on my mind is re-watching the Game of Thrones Season 4 opener. Finally after 42 weeks we’ve picked up on the battle for the seven kingdoms!
(Heads up, congregation; spoilers on the way…)
From the beginning sequence, to which Tywin (Charles Dance) melts Ned Stark’s sword for the Lannisters’ use, to the end scene where Arya (Maisie Williams) rides off on her own horse, we see that this season is going to move the stories along quickly — ending the third novel in the series — and hopefully bringing in, or setting up A Feast of Crows, the fourth book.

Reasons we’re blessed for Season 4:
- The introduction of the Red Viper as the Lannisters “welcome” Prince Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal).
- The growing DRAGONS and the realization that not even their own mother can tame them.
- The reunion of Samwell Tarly (John Bradley) and Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) back at The Wall. The dynamics between these two are constantly changing. After Jon faces the Night’s Watch head council, his head is safe. For now.
- The consistently complicated triangle between Sansa (Sophie Turner), Shae (Sibel Kekilli) and Tyrion (Peter Dinklage). Only into the first episode, and Shae is becoming unstable and jealous of what is going on around her. She cannot stand any attention given to the Stark daughter over her. Shae is desperate and at a point where she is willing to punish Tyrion somehow.

(Flip the page for the rest!)