THE WICKED + THE DIVINE / BATMAN & RA’AS al GHUL [Reviews]: Gods Among Us.

Introducing our new format for Fistful of Comics. No longer will you miss comics due to our clunky page system (yes, I'm talking to you, you skeezy little blog-skimmers!), and our reviews will now be separated into sections with the wonderful people who accompany them. If scrolling is too painful, then here are some jump …

GAME OF THRONES [Season 4 Premiere Re-Cap]: ‘Two Swords’, LOTS of Lip.

I'm here in New York City for the first time in my life. I'm exhausted and hungry and finally drying off from the downpour I received walking around and seeking out the most touristy spots. I've been walking since noon and though I'm extinguished, the only thing on my mind is re-watching the Game of …