GEEK – Blizzard’s latest release Overwatch is also their first new IP in a whopping eighteen years. The game is a not too distant departure from their norm, despite being a first person action shooter. Balancing the action and shoot-em-up of MOBAs and first person shooters, Overwatch blends genres seamlessly wrapped in a stylized world. The easy comparison, Team Fortress 2, doesn’t do the new one justice. The large 21 character roster across four roles (tank, damage, defense and support) leads to an actual, unique character picking and swapping mind-game; players will attempt to gain the advantage across twelve launch maps.

NERD – So, I am not a big MOBA or PC guy. Let’s put it like this: I was 6 when the Atari 2600 came out. I grew up playing video games, but FPS–especially on the PC–was not something I could do (i.e. Halo was the first FPS where I was able to play without dizzy spells, violent vomiting, and migraines). And the issues I have are based soley on PC. I have no idea what I’m freaking doing! Their training consists of shoot stuff. Cool! I can do that! But then you click “Play”, pick your 21 characters, and get gaming. I realize, well, crap, it’s more than shooting! Also, Builders? Support? The hell is this? It makes you feel like a moron. I love the Attack obective, but when you look at the top screen that has the objective of the game, it says “Defend”. The hell? Don’t get me wrong: the game is phenomenal. It’s fast, clean, and LAG-free. I love it, other than those quips.
RJ: Yeah there is a little Blizzard doesn’t get right here; however, the learning curve is where it needs to be. On defense you get bright shiny paths and markers of what you need to defend, so I don’t see how it’s an issue. It’s also a blend of genres and I think that confuses people. Play this like COD or any other FPS and just kill the enemy team and you’re going to lose on Attack or Defend. You have to play the point, the objective like a MOBA and use the abilities given to the best of your ability to win. I will agree this game is fast and clean; but at the high level–I am currently 39k in the world–I play at the 20hz tick rate versus other games like Counter Strike: Global Offensve (60hz) it becomes noticeable as both sides know how to abuse this. This game should easily be game of the year and it’s only June. To argue otherwise, may be asinine. 5/5 Bibles.
AB: “Game of the Year” already? I would hold off on that, Sparky. There’s a lot of gaming left to be done (Battlefield 1! Battlefield 1! Battlefield 1!). Either way, I could very well see Overwatch being namedropped come New Year’s, but the game has flaws. Although those blemishes are nowhere near as noticeble as, say, Vanilla Destiny, even Blizzard knows they have some stuff to fix. Some characters need nerfing (McCree) and Buffing (D’Va). The “Play of the Game”, while cool, could use some work. And, again, to people who never played a MOBA… a more defined tutorial would be helpful. That said, while I have my minor quips about the game, Overwatch is the one that pulled me away from Destiny (a game I’ve accumulated over 25 days worth of play time!). My love for The Division? Lasted two days. Quantum Break? A week. Rainbow Six: Siege? = have yet to unpack it. DOOM? I love DOOM, but I go and play that once a day for only an hour… why? Motion sickness (I hate FPS over 60.. uh.. FPS). Again Overwatch is awesome. I love the freaking game, but it’s not GoTY … YET. Let’s wait for the rest of the year before we start crowning games. 4.25/5 Bibles.