TOP 10 MOVIES of 2013 [Geeks vs. Oscars]: ‘Stuck’ in the Middle with You..

So much for the Death of the Box Office, eh? Sure, there were plenty of movies this past year that tanked (The Lone Ranger, After Earth), that struck more polarity than anything Frozen (#1 and half of #4 on the Moody list were loathed and loved just the same), and simply didn't live up to …

TOP 10 INDIE COMICS of 2013 [Face-Off]: Whatcha Gonna Read, BROTHER!?!!

We're here. It's more Top 10 lists, whether you like it or not -- and we know you do -- so without further ado, GHG presents the Top 10 Indie Comics of the Year. Now, while Image and Dark Horse aren't technically considered "Indies" per se, we're going to borrow that term to represent anything …

TOP 10 TV SHOWS of 2013 [Face-Off]: The Downward Spiral.

It's that time of year again, where GHG looks back at the year that was. The first of many "Best" lists, our boob-tube experts "Father" Tyler McPhail and "Divine" Derek Vigeant offer their distinct Top 10 TV Shows of 2013. We tried to keep it "geek-centric"; but there's no doubt even the most diehard sci-fi/fantasy dweeb loves …