Pro Wrestling Guerrilla’s Battle Of Los Angeles tournament takes place at Downtown Los Angeles’ Globe Theatre from September 14-16. With first round match-ups and non-tournament matches set, GHG’s annual #BOLA preview takes a babyface turn. Much in thanks to @BrianDaBrain — with photography from @MIKEY__NOLAN, @JonWasherPhotos, @ScottLesh724, @JD3Studios and writing by @Tim_Dawg_, @RobViper, @WLHSTU, @TheIndyCorner, @NINaylor, @deathinkosovo, @jamesisanerd, @jimsmallman, @superjew1, @toshanshuinLA, @DaveFallas — we had the privilege of showcasing these great PWG sports card scans. (Feel free to hit up @BrianDaBrain on Twitter if interested in acquiring this special edition PWG pack!).
And away we go…
STAGE ONE – September 14
–Tag Team Match: Rinkampf (WALTER & Timothy Thatcher) vs. Ilja Dragunov & Shingo Takagi
STAGE TWO – September 15
–Six-Person Tag Team Match: Bandido, Flamita & Rey Horus vs CIMA, Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz
FINAL STAGE – September 16
Night 3 will feature additional non-tournament matches,
plus the Quarter-Final, Semi-Final, and Final Rounds of the 2018 Battle of Los Angeles tournament.
–PWG Tag Team Championship: The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) vs The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Fenix)
You can get tickets for all 3 nights of BOLA 2018 this Tuesday at 8pm PT on http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com/tickets/.
-Travis Moody