Welcome everybody to GHG’s first ever edition of our new weekly everything-wrasslin’ column, The Shooting Star Press!!!
In this feature, our beloved Ringside Apostles will be dishing out the double-clotheslines and triple-pterodactyl snap-suplexes on all of the latest wrestling news, rumors and insanity. Our first article also spotlights GHG’s latest addition to the congregation: Nerdist-affiliated Wrestling Compadre, “Pastor” Chuck Rice. And to think we have yet another fresh face on deck next week for some Payback…
Your 6-1-9 Guideline:
–Pastor-ing Billy Corgan’s New Reality (Scroll Below)
–Padre Pounces WWE 2K15 Delay
–Bishop Wyatt Crashes McMahon’s Stock
–Saint SuperKick Punk’s CM
In recent years, Billy Corgan has been smashing a lot less pumpkins and a whole lot more steel chairs. Looks like it paid off for him too. The frontman of the onetime popular band, The Smashing Pumpkins, and a long time wrestling fan just suplexed his way to a new TV deal with the AMC network.

In 2011, Corgan decided to trade in singing into microphones for cutting promos into them, and with his brothers, started up Resistance Pro Wrestling, the independent promotion based out of Chicago. While indy wrestling may not be the machine that is the WWE, don’t sell this little steamengine that could short, because they will be slamming people through tables on your TV screen soon enough.
Inking an eight episode at 60-minutes each deal with AMC (The Walking Dead, Comic Book Men), viewers will see the Creative Director of Resistance Pro “create storylines, choreograph fights and manage intense post-match locker room arguments” according to Variety. Currently, this project is untitled. However, one can imagine that more details will become available soon.
One thing is for sure, it is a good time to be a wrestling fan. Because the Internet, we may never see the glory days of the Attitude Era replicated again; and I refuse to become one of those old guys who tell stories that begin, “Back in my day…” But, one thing is certain, wrestling is witnessing a resurgence. WWE is becoming very relevant again — much in part to Vinny Mac’s bombshell announcment at CES earlier this year — and is finally breaking down the barriers that Hollywood has worked so hard to put up around it. The good news is, it’s giving other companies the rub too.

Yes, even TNA. (I mean, don’t get me wrong, TNA is at the bottom of the barrel right now and barely kicking out before the three count, but even they were able to sign up with UTA talent agency and do still have a TV deal with Spike).
As wrestling continues to gain momentum in all medias, I wouldn’t be surprised to see other independent wrestling shows reap the rewards. Let us not forget that Jeff Jarrett is lurking around with his newly created Global Force Wrestling and has some Hollywood types backing him. One can only imagine that Double J has TNA in his cross hairs too. Another one to keep your eyes on is Reality of Wrestling down in this Pastor’s homestate of Texas. Being run by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T they have slowly been gaining momentum and have already secured local and semi national TV deals. Suckuhhhhhh!!!
With all the indy wrestling gaining exposure, who knows, but maybe one day we could even see a territories type wrestling scene reform. Still, I’m going to stick to the old popular McDonald’s commercial saying on this one and say, “Hey. It could happen.”
For the sake of the sport, let’s hope it’s true. Let’s hope it’s…damn true.
(Flip the page for Guy Padre give WWE 2K15 a Roman Reigns-level fixin’!)