It’s finally here, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…
In our very first web series episode, the Holy Congregation of Cool SERMONIZE the endless options of Every Geek’s Super Bowl/World Cup/Daytona 500/World Series/NBA Finals/Stanley Cup/Wrestlemania…

So, join the likes of “The Apostle” Lance Paul, “Minister” Gabe Carrasco, Derek “Divine” Vigeant, “Brother” Myke Ladiona, and, your host, the “Monsignor” Travis Moody as we present all our thoughts on The Big One‘s hefty offering of all things geek: comics, video games, sci-fi & fantasy TV & Film (err, Hall H) learning and networking experiences, and much much more!
And, though we are still very much in alpha pre-beta production status (with a very special shout-out to our man-behind-the-cam “Dynast” Dana Keels & editing clergyman “Reverend” Ryan Ford), we’re welcoming EVERYONE into the #GHGtv‘s first ever weekly mass, anyway.
And, if for whatever reason that’s not enough, feel free to join the likes of The Geekdom Fancast for our podcast version of the show in its ENTIRETY! (Hell, it’s their 20th episode!)
Parishioners, don’t forget to subscribe to our BRAND-NEW YouTube Channel — GodHatesGeeksTV — and, of course, like our news page on Facebook and follow all of our updates on Twitter.
#GHGtv #SDCCGHG #GodHatesGeeks