And welcome you GHG faithful to the first of the CW Crossover extravaganza – INVASION! The four-part mini that sees the heroes of Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow joining forces against an evil alien race that is looking to take over the all of Earth-1 (or the Flarrow-verse). So let’s jump into part 1 that takes place in Supergirl, which for the first 45 minutes of the episode…
…has absolutely nothing to do with the crossover.
The episode was a fantastic on its own, but should not have been the starter for “Invasion”. Throughout the episode wormholes appear and at the very end of the episode it’s revealed that it has been Barry (Grant Gustin) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) trying to cross over (hrm. get it? cross.. over!); also revealed, that Vibe still isn’t ready to call The Flash “friend” after the ramifications of “Flashpoint”. An otherwise solid episode, Supergirl does an even finer job with the very real “outing” of Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh)–more heartfelt, avoiding any tropes that could have made it cheesy.

However, I’m not here to deliver a diatribe on the amazing story that is Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist), but instead here to discuss how the episode fits within “Invasion”. It doesn’t. This complete and utter misfire feels like it was shoe-horned at the last second, with Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow taking the brunt of it. I’d score this ep of Supergirl much higher if not “connected” to the event. 2/5 Bibles
And with that, here is our very own Derek Divine on his take on “The Flash”! Take it away, D!

In the immortal words of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair: “Wooooooooooo!!!!” And this is only Part 2?!
Hey there, Geek Potatoes, this is “The Divine One” coming in for GHG on the second installment of the Heroes vs. Aliens crossover at the CW. Big thanks to our brother Roberto for getting us started with Supergirl — otherwise known as the episode where nothing happened — but, well, hell, the CW surely made up for it here.
When Team Flash uncovers a race of aliens landing on Earth called the Dominators (how tale-telling), Barry knows it is more than he can handle so he goes out to enlist the help of Supergirl and Team Arrow while Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) recruits the Legends of Tomorrow. Using a hangar owned by S.T.A.R. Labs as their base, the majority of the group get in some combat training while Flash, Arrow (Stephen Amell), and the duo that make up Firestorm, Prof. Stein (Victor Garber) & Jefferson (Franz Drameh), covertly meet about a recording that Barry had apparently left-40 years in the future that warned Captain Hunter that he had altered the timeline and how he may have affected everyone’s lives. So, yeah! This Flashpoint thing is screwing with everybody (There’s a global threat here! Can’t you put your “Barry grudge” to bed for a bit, Cisco?) Suffice to say the team get upset and leave Arrow and Flash behind as they go off to take down the Dominators.

Considering this is the largest crossover in this huge age of superhero TV shows, this episode had a lot of great moments. There’s the team-up of the tech nerds with Cisco and Felicity working together, a nice reunion scene of Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Prof. Stein, plus a hilarious moment between Supergirl and Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) — exactly the kind of interactions we hope for with events like this. Benoist really shined here, considering that her character is the newest to the CW DC Universe. But she brought presence and strength to the hero that is inarguably the most powerful of all. 4.5/5 Bibles.
How about that ending though? Where the hell did all our heroes get transported to?! We’ll just have to turn it over to “The Apostle” Lance Paul and Sean Farrell for their continuing coverage!