STAR WARS – THE CLONE WARS [Season 6 Review]: Gotta Keep ‘Em SEPERAT’d.

Marathon this, you will. This past weekend saw the highly anticipated release of "The Lost Missions" season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Cooler, this Season 6 comes courtesy of Netflix, as the Jedi faithful have now been given the option to watch the entire 13-episode in one sitting. But first things first. Had it …

STAR WARS: “A New Hope” for fans of the axed Clone Wars.

With J.J. Abrams taking over yet another immense Sci-Fi franchise, Dark Horse's new Star Wars ongoing comic couldn't have come at a better time. And who would have thought my friend full of hoops, raps and circumstance would introduce me to the best cartoon since Batman: The Animated Series, too? Yes, I'm talking about Star …