BLUE BEETLE / BATMAN BEYOND / TEEN TITANS REBIRTH / SURGEON X [Reviews]: Big Trouble Little China Escape New York!

Good evening, fellow geeks! While you're probably too busy binge watching Luke Cage to even NOTICE the plethora of new titles coming out this week, but that doesn't mean that we here at GodHatesGeeks has let you down! We've got a great team-up title coming up, and we continue rolling out DC's Rebirth in this …

BATMAN / SUPERMAN / GREEN LANTERNS / GREEN ARROW [Rebirth Reviews]: Born Again Heroes.

Considering Bats' involvement with uncovering the mysteries that are fueling DC's new rebirth (in DCU Rebirth #1), it's only fitting that a few of the themes of the whole event are front and center in Batman's own restart issue. The issue of lost time, and time being messed with, is very appropriately dealt with as …