The CONGREGATION OF COOL IS NOW IN SESSION... and the recipe for your salvation is a punch to the head. So here's a big, balled-up, bloody-knuckled FISTFUL OF COMICS! NAVIGATE THE PERILS of another Chitauri invasion of NYC with RYAN FORD! DISAPPEAR INTO THE APPARITION of HaloGen with JIMMY CUPP! Do double time and HIT ALL THE TARGETS …

EMPIRE of the DEAD / DEADLY CLASS / DEAD BODY ROAD [Reviews]: …On Arrival

Oh my brother and sisters, allow your faithful Padre to testify. Pop open a can of whatever unholy brew gets you through the night, sit back, relax, and read my good -- and quite deathly -- words on this week’s gifts from the almighty comic book gods. Our theme this morning, quite obviously, is Death. …

TOP 10 INDIE COMICS of 2013 [Face-Off]: Whatcha Gonna Read, BROTHER!?!!

We're here. It's more Top 10 lists, whether you like it or not -- and we know you do -- so without further ado, GHG presents the Top 10 Indie Comics of the Year. Now, while Image and Dark Horse aren't technically considered "Indies" per se, we're going to borrow that term to represent anything …

BLACK SCIENCE #1 [Review]: Keep Their (severed bioelectric) Heads Ringin’…

...because it's Black Science Friday. The latest shot fired in Image Comic’s battle to rule the industry one great book at a time, is written by Rick Remender (Uncanny X-Force, Fear Agent) with art by Mateo Scalera (Secret Avengers, Dead Body Road) and vivid painted color provided by Dean White (Captain America). This is a sci-fi fan’s …