I SUPPORT BLACK SUPERHEROES [Belser-Verse, Part 6]: ‘Soul’ Brother Supreme

One of the main objectives with this series of articles is to shine light on black superheroes that don't really get talked about. Case-in-point would be today's subject who was created around the same time as other well-known black Heroes like Luke Cage and Black Lightning but has never gotten that same level of recognition. …

National Deadpool Day! Not the Hero we want, but the Scumbag we need! (And, some other guys in spandex and armor…)

Has the loneliness and withdrawals set in for a little ole High and Geek-holy LPH reviews yet? No worries, because The Apostle is back! (Been shooting a movie in the back woods of Georgia that I’m sure -- if you clicked this -- you're going to love.) But enough about me and my tomfoolery. Let's …