With 24 new titles, and brand new outlooks on 25 remaining ones, welcome to our first entry into a Fistful of DC Comics. Let us know which new/reimagined DC title is your fav over on Twitter @GodHatesGeeks. Geah! Wait.. this review doesn't belong here first... 3.5/5 Bibles. Me am not entertained. While aimed at a younger …

DIVERGENCE [#FCBD Spotlight] vs. CONVERGENCE [Sunday Stash, Rd. IV]: Boxin’ in the Free World.

One DC Comics event down, another one up-- or two, if you include both The Darkseid War and Divergence. If you haven't read the free comic preview for Divergence, we can tell you that this "event" stands more as an era in the major publisher's line than a mere series of event comics. In addition to …

DEATH of “SUPERMAN LIVES”, WHAT HAPPENED? [Review]: Cage’d hero, no longer.

I present to you, Superman Lives, the failed Tim Burton-helmed, Nicholas Cage-starred, Kevin Smith-written, Jon Peters-produced, 1998 film... by the leaked production photos (namely Cage in the Super suit) and story elements (Supes can’t fly, Brainiac fighting polar bears, and a giant spider showdown) many consider Superman Lives to be a tremendously dodged bullet.Walking out …

THE DARKSEID WAR / BATMAN / THE AVENGERS / NEW AVENGERS [Reviews]: An ‘Endgame’ for Everyone.

This week's Fistful of Comics witnesses the end of a few prevelant comic titles and stories, from Snyder & Capullo's Dark Knight "Endgame" to Hickman's epic Avengers/New Avengers (and you can read our thoughts on Morrison's final chapter of The Multiversity this Monday on The Stash), and the beginning of a ginormous new one: "The Darkseid War". Dope. …

DC CONVERGENCE #1’s [Sunday Stash, Round III]: The Joke’s on you, Geeeeeeeeeeeek$!

It's another week for Convergence! After previous highlights that included comebacks from The Question and Wally West Flash, and a hook-handed Aquaman, will there be any more surprises in Week 3 of DC's monthly event? Do no more now than peep the Stash. And we've got all the OG members of GHG on this …