E3 2014 [Press Conference Announcement]: Hunger Games.

It's the mosttt wonnnderrrfulll tiiiiiiiiiime of the yearrrrrr. No, not Christmas, you saps. But E3! Easily the Monsignor's "Comic-Con" -- and shout-out to our Templar Kight -- this 3-day Electronic Entertainment Expo showcases more exclusives than the Air Jordan household. If you think you know what games are going to be announced, demo'd and (most …

SPLINTER CELL – BLACKLIST [Review]: Walking with a Panther…

Splinter Cell: Blacklist is one of the year's nicest surprises...although it shouldn't be, and for several reasons. The obvious reason being that this 6th console Splinter Cell -- the 3rd and perhaps last of the current gen -- is once again put out by Ubisoft, the company that sets the standard in video game development. …

THE LAST OF US [Review]: ‘Jesus, Joel!’ Bioshock HAS company!

What happened to the future being flying cars, light-speed trains, and five-star dinners in the form of a pill? The future was supposed to be amazing! But this past decade, it seems like whenever someone makes a movie or TV show about the fate of humanity it’s always this bleak, terrible, post-apocalyptic wasteland. What’s wrong, …

E3 WRAP-UP [Podcast]: To the Next-Gen Victor go the Spoils…

Who won this year's E3? Everyone who attended and followed our coverage, that's who. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NClekN9U_IA Here's what happens when 3 drunken clergymen and a Christian walk into a bar... Panic ensues! "Reverend" Joe Rivera, "King" Ray Getsbusy, and "The" Christian Seufert join the "Monsignor" Travis Moody to discuss all the fire and lameness of this …

E3 [Day 3, Pt. 2]: Beware of Microsoft’s #1 ‘Jaeger’-Bomb!

Perhaps no game impressed more at E3 than Titanfall. The super-intense, futuristic FPS from Respawn Entertainment plays like a cross between Call of Duty and Guillermo del Toro's forthcoming (robots vs. aliens) blockbuster, Pacific Rim -- if you took out all the Kaiju, of course. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goe6IB1DLZU That's no surprising statement, considering that Respawn is flourishing with …

E3 [Day 3, Pt. 1]: Sony just has a ‘Knack’ for stellar, ‘inFamous’ exclusives!

Combat was king on the Sony floor at E3. From the high-flying, smoking-hot antics of inFamous: Second Son, to the family-friendly, smash-em-up stylings of Knack, and everything in between, Sony's PlayStation 4 exclusives prove to be both incredibly violence-centric and next-gen beautiful. It's rather nice to see Sony put its sexy new hardware to good …