E3 WRAP-UP [Podcast]: To the Next-Gen Victor go the Spoils…

Who won this year's E3? Everyone who attended and followed our coverage, that's who. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NClekN9U_IA Here's what happens when 3 drunken clergymen and a Christian walk into a bar... Panic ensues! "Reverend" Joe Rivera, "King" Ray Getsbusy, and "The" Christian Seufert join the "Monsignor" Travis Moody to discuss all the fire and lameness of this …

E3 [Day 3, Pt. 2]: Beware of Microsoft’s #1 ‘Jaeger’-Bomb!

Perhaps no game impressed more at E3 than Titanfall. The super-intense, futuristic FPS from Respawn Entertainment plays like a cross between Call of Duty and Guillermo del Toro's forthcoming (robots vs. aliens) blockbuster, Pacific Rim -- if you took out all the Kaiju, of course. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goe6IB1DLZU That's no surprising statement, considering that Respawn is flourishing with …