GHG MOVIE POWER RANKINGS [October]: Straight Outta Congregation.

Taking a note from sports publications such as CBS and ESPN, we’ve got this little new feature at GodHatesGeeks called the Power Rankings. What this means is that our nerd-clergy will rank the very best of 4 mediums of this year’s popular geek culture, including movies, TV shows, video games, and comics (both Big 2 …

GHG Presents… THE WILD BRUNCH [Podcast, S01E02]: Chekhov’s Sledgehammer.

Listen up, Internet — it's Episode 2 of THE WILD BRUNCH. Say what? You missed our hit debut, when the likes of frosted flake-crusted-french-toast met the one Chappie? My western omelette could only take so much... But here's your second chance. It's two dudes -- two really neat dudes -- talking about movies. You'd be …