TRANSFORMERS [News]: Hasbro Fan First Friday Reveals!

Since Comic-Con is @ Home this year, the virtual madness of toy collecting and snatching those "SDCC Exclusives" has become all the more nuttier. In addition to Hasbro's #FanFirstFriday spotlighting both G.I. Joe and, what I'll break down just below, Transformers, this morning also marked the Walmart Collector Con, which you can still partake in …

G.I. JOE – CLASSIFIED [News/Wishlist]: And Knowing Is Half The Battle…

Now that Hasbro declared that yesterday -- unofficially, mind you -- was a "G.I. Joe Day" of some sorts due to their #FanFirstFriday official release of the first Wave of G.I. Joe: Classified 6" action figures and their 24-hour stream of classic A Real American Hero episodes on their YouTube channel (which I'm still watching, …