OUTCAST / ORIGINAL SIN: IRON MAN vs. HULK [Reviews]: The Devil Inside.

Our All-New FISTFUL of COMICS Now! is back--and we've got a slate of both new and old school reviewers seeking their inner demons. It's the evil within our congregation that.. oh.. we sometimes just gotta get out. With that said, study up on the goods, check your pull-lists twice and enjoy the show. (jump to) …

Hulk becomes INDESTRUCTIBLE, and Cap starts to practice his… Swaddling!?

Another week of Marvel Fandom and another week traveling to new locales.  Actually, your favorite Apostle is sitting standby on the second busiest flying day of the year.. in one of the busiest airports in the US.  Let me tell you how much fun I’m having! ............It's a good thing I have my crazy Mexican …

The Weekly Worship: Marvel ‘tends to “Wow” before the launch of NOW.

If this week was any indication, Marvel Comics doesn't appear likely to whimper out the rest of their summer. Oh, you know, like whenever a company-wide relaunch is announced, books just start to suck. A few titles this week were swift enough to take the right detour. But, what is MarvelNOW exactly, anyway? A reboot, a relaunch, a.. reprogramming? The fact of the matter is, …