DOOM ETERNAL [Campaign Face-Off / Multiplayer Review]: South of Heaven.

***UPDATE 3/29 - We've added a review of Doom Eternal's Multiplayer Mode*** If you treat Doom Eternal’s Battlemode like a supplemental part of the game, it’s a fun little mode to play when you need a break after one of the long levels in the main campaign. There’s only one multiplayer mode that is 2v1, …


DOOM ETERNAL (id Software/Bethesda Game Studios - X1/PS4/PC/Stadia/Switch - November 22, 2019) - This game fucks. I never had this much fun frantically sprinting around, shooting, torching and chainsawing demons -- mindlessly parkouring around every last bit of adrenaline left in my sweaty palms. My 60 minutes with the game (20 at the Bethesda presser …

RAGE 2 [Face-Off Review]: The Rage For and The Rage Against.

ROBERT WORKMAN: No one really asked for a sequel to Rage, did they? Not that I would turn one away. The first game was actually quite ambitious for the team at id Software, who I usually knew for Doom terrain. Now they’ve returned for the Walmart Canada-confirmed sequel, with Just Cause developers Avalanche Studios in …