IMMORTAL IRON FISTS / JAMES BOND 007 – KILL CHAIN [Reviews]: Dangerously Dapper.

Spinning out of the Iron Fist: The Living Weapon maxi-series, we catch up with Danny Rand as he continues with one of the hardest challenges of his life. The outsider who beat the odds to become The Living Weapon, is now trying to help raise a Teenage Girl. Eeeeeeek!! Pei (that's 'Pay' for those of …

IRON FIST [Season 1 Face-Off Review]: Iron Fist, or How I Learned to Strongly Dislike Protagonists.

Kevin "Pastor" Palma: Dojo history lesson time: I first started reading comics week-to-week in late 2007, and one of the very first series I got into was Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker and David Aja's Immortal Iron Fist. I jumped in with the story arc "The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven" and was off to  the races …

The Fade Out / Delinquents / Batman & Robin / Little Nemo [Sunday Stash Reviews]: New to the Old to the New– AGAIN!

Hey! Nothing new but work and church, citizens of the GHGverse? Well that's not the case over here at Church of Cool Laboratories, where, once again, some of the sharpest geek minds in geekology come geekily together in all of their geekhood to study geekfully, and give careful, geekcentric geeknalysis to all the geekmenities you crave. So, sit …