AGENTS OF ATLAS / ABSOLUTE CARNAGE / MAJOR X [Comics Reviews]: Absolute Marvel.

It's a mid-week gander at some of the upcoming comics this week, geeks and geekettes! This time out, we're looking at the House of Ideas, and looking at some of their upcoming new premiere issues! We're still in the comics business here at GodHatesGeeks, so let's just get right to it and see what's what! …

MAJOR X / WAR OF THE REALMS / DIAL H FOR HERO [Reviews]: Bringing It Back.

Another week, another strong collection of comics need reviewing here at GodHatesGeeks, fellow geeks! We've had some great wrestling coverage this past weekend over on the East Coast, but now it's time to get back to hitting those titles! Let's get right to it, with a reboot of a classic series, the start of yet …