It's that time again, faithful congregants, where GHG explores a weekly quintent of deliciously -- or disgustingly -- random funnybooks. It's the Fistful of Comics! And, somehow, it's Moody's turn. Let's just get to it. -King Conan: The Conquerer #1 -Superman: Lois Lane #1 -Wolverine & The X-Men #42 -Batman/Superman #8 FANTASTIC FOUR #1 Having …

TOP 10 MOVIES of 2013 [Geeks vs. Oscars]: ‘Stuck’ in the Middle with You..

So much for the Death of the Box Office, eh? Sure, there were plenty of movies this past year that tanked (The Lone Ranger, After Earth), that struck more polarity than anything Frozen (#1 and half of #4 on the Moody list were loathed and loved just the same), and simply didn't live up to …

SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN #2 [Review]: Melting the Man of Steel!

In more ways than one. You see, Superman has been everywhere lately. Released on Blu Ray just a couple days ago. Feeling superiorly Unchained with Scott Snyder and Jim Lee. Playing the lead in the Injustice video game. Bickering bromance with his buddy Bruce and a batch of toy clones. Slaughtered by the hands of Ultraman. …