IRON MAN #9/258.1 [Reviews]: Tony’s Secret Origin treks ‘Into Darkness’

But, before we get into a pair of Iron Man comic reviews, a crazy twist involving our favorite Shellhead happens in one of this week's other popular Marvel titles. To say anymore would be a shameful spoiler, but I can promise you that we've never seen the Iron Man quite like this... EVIL. Thankfully, Tony …

2013, Marvel’s Year of the Illuminati? Iron Man’s in Space.. So, yip.

Let's start things off right by first saying what we’re all thinking: Happy New Years! Now onto business. Just because it's 2013, doesn't mean comics are still not getting pressed and the world ended. Maybe Avengers vs. X-Men is far, far from our minds -- thank goodness -- but there's still plenty of excellent choices …

The Weekly Worship: Marvel’s “NOW” Avengers!!

Joss Whedon's likely never had to take notes from anyone else before, but maybe he should start-- Because.. Jonathan Hickman's Avengers is about to do for mainstream comics what Mr. Whedon's Avengers did for blockbuster franchise films. And that's to create worlds. Create universes. Create new baddies. By the looks of The Avengers' latest new …