National Deadpool Day! Not the Hero we want, but the Scumbag we need! (And, some other guys in spandex and armor…)

Has the loneliness and withdrawals set in for a little ole High and Geek-holy LPH reviews yet? No worries, because The Apostle is back! (Been shooting a movie in the back woods of Georgia that I’m sure -- if you clicked this -- you're going to love.) But enough about me and my tomfoolery. Let's …

NYCC “S.H.I.E.L.D.” Saturday: True Believers set to enjoy their “New 52”

Sorry, sorry, sorry. For those counting at home, that's three Marvel article in a row. But if we had God Hates Geeks back in July of 2011, you can bet your bottom dollar we would have been in bed with DC Comics that same weekend they killed with the New 52. Now, or NOW! rather, …

The Weekly Worship: Marvel ‘tends to “Wow” before the launch of NOW.

If this week was any indication, Marvel Comics doesn't appear likely to whimper out the rest of their summer. Oh, you know, like whenever a company-wide relaunch is announced, books just start to suck. A few titles this week were swift enough to take the right detour. But, what is MarvelNOW exactly, anyway? A reboot, a relaunch, a.. reprogramming? The fact of the matter is, …