NYCC ’13 [Day 2/3.2]: Batman Begins.. AGAIN.

Batman's origin has been told several times, with the most notable interpretations being Frank Miller's Year One (1987), Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins (2005), and the animated DVD adaptation of Miller's masterpiece, Year One (2011). Well, it's time to do it all over again. Not that we'd ever mind. Batman's beginnings are back in time for …

NYCC “S.H.I.E.L.D.” Saturday: True Believers set to enjoy their “New 52”

Sorry, sorry, sorry. For those counting at home, that's three Marvel article in a row. But if we had God Hates Geeks back in July of 2011, you can bet your bottom dollar we would have been in bed with DC Comics that same weekend they killed with the New 52. Now, or NOW! rather, …