What makes a video game a game? Since the days of Pong, players have been smashing buttons to either get points, defeat enemies, save princesses, or solve puzzles. Then we started to expect developers to deliver complex, narrative storytelling with our games, but never in spite of traditional game mechanics. Enter Everybody’s Gone to the …

THE E3ODUS [E3 2015 Preview, Week 6/Podcast]: ‘Born’ to fight.

With the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- E3, parishioners -- just a few days away, we're down to our final video game previews within E3odus. Better yet, we also have a PrE3 Podcast for your listening pleasure. So, join "Papa Justifid" Spencer Fawcett, "Brother" Myke Ladiona, "Saint" Patrick Obloy, and, yours truly, "Monsignor" Travis Moody for …

GAMESCOM ’14 [Full Clergy Reaction]: A not so ‘Silent’ Konvention!

When E3 (the Electronic Entertainment Expo) is over; we're not. Gamescom may take place in Cologne, Germany, but GHG is all over the event like AJ Lee on a tatted-up, straight edge guy from Chicago. Though second in overall popularity, Gamescom IS second to only the Asia Game Show in terms of total attendance-- so …