GHG’s TOP 6 VIDEO GAMES [Thru 6 of ’16]: The Beginning of the ‘End’.

It seems like the last of us old testament video gamers are still playing many of the epic holiday releases of 2015 and/or all its wonderful DLC. But, for many of the newer gaming critics to join this fine congregation, 2016 has been a wealthy year in terms of overall quality. Let us know what if …

E3 2016 [The Bible Scale – Dark Horse Edition]: Agents of S.H.O.C.K.

So, we covered about everything you wanted to read about from #E32016... but what about the real shockers of the show? Which games came out of nowhere this past week in LA to STEAL our hearts and STEAL the thunder from the already proven contenders? GHG's video game department adds a little "Bruce Wayne" to …

THE E3ODUS [E3 2016 Preview, Day 11]: The ‘Final’ Crackdown.

With the Electronic Entertainment Expo — E3, parishioners — officially beginning tomorrow, we're down to our final 3 games to preview. Whoo-hoo. ***DAY ELEVEN, June 13th -- CRACKDOWN 3, MADDEN NFL 17, FINAL FANTASY VII REMASTER*** Archives: DAY TEN, June 11th -- GOD OF WAR 4, HORIZON ZERO DAWN, BATMAN: A TELLTALE SERIES DAY NINE, June 10th …