DC FUTURES END #1’s [Sunday Stash, Round 3]: Almost Prrrrr…fect.

Our fourth installment of the FUTURES END Sunday Stash sees the end of it, cleaning up a pair of rivalries from last week with a smothering of titillating others. Which title prevails on top? Scroll down to find out. Today's development with the Futures End arc continues in the pages of New Suicide Squad #1 …

DAREDEVIL / BUFFY / THE WITCHER [Reviews]: Breath, Spit, Walk.

This week finds your favorite Traveling Apostle in the capital of the south, Richmond, Virginia, where not only did Jefferson Davis -- the Norman Osborn of the 1800's -- set up shop for dominion but so has a great little shop called Velocity Comics. I popped in here to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the …