THE E3ODUS [E3 2019 Previews]: Harry Potter / Vampire Masquerade / Resident Evil 8.

HARRY POTTER: WIZARDS UNITE (Niantic/PortKey Games/WBIE - Android/iOS - 2019) - Are you a hardcore Potterhead who looks at all their friends sharing Pokemon Go trainer requests and wished that there was a similar game that would let them catch Thestrals? Wait no more, Muggles! Wizards Unite is a Potter version of Pokemon Go, …

RESIDENT EVIL [15th Anniversary Special]: Still Has the Same Ol’ Bite.

Last week, Superfan Kory Davis put on a 15th anniversary screening for the first Resident Evil movie through his Nostalgia Screenings banner at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatre in Hollywood. The event also coincided with the Blu-Ray release of Resident Evil: The Final Chapter.  Special guests in attendance were none other than director of the …